Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Creative side coming back out! Crib mobile I am making for Baby Girl!

I want to thank my sister over at The Adventures of Shaw for bringing my creative juices back to life. Kelley has created her own blog where she is sewing, designing a baby room, and just plain creative. I have decided to demonstrate my ideas of upcoming projects for my Baby Girl due in November. My sister and I are both pregnant at the same time, also the first time together, and due two months apart. Kelley is going the wait and see route for the baby gender where I found out that I am finally having my baby GIRL!!! After having three boys we are very blessed to have our girl. No Name yet!

Onto my crib mobile that I am making for Baby Girl. I found the tutorial on the blog For the love of polka dots where it details step by step how to make a ribbon mobile to hang above the crib for baby! See the picture below!

I am excited to take on this challenge and I will document my progress with pictures for an upcoming post! Stay Tuned!